Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Driving: It’s gone to the dogs

If I see another Southern Californian doing this I'm going to scream. This definitely brings me to road rage. Who the hell are these people who drive with a dog on their laps? Two days in a row I saw "dog lappers". One guy had two dogs on his lap while driving!

WTF! I see this often: folks driving with dogs on their laps and kissing and petting on the dogs when they drive. What the hell is this all about? Now here's some news. A bill was passed to fine drivers $35 who commits lapdog driving, last year. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in his infinite wisdom vetoed the bill. I guess not enough dogs have died!

What else is ridiculous? In my research, I found that there was more interest in a dog's safety than human beings. Screw people, because we have seen that pets seem to get more attention than abused children. If dogs were molested and killed, I'm sure that the perpetrators would be facing life sentences or lethal injection. If children were dogs they'd have it made. It is absolutely ridiculous how children are so neglected when it come to their rights in this country.

From what I've seen, the pet owners are clueless when driving with their dogs. If the governor vetoed this bill, then he should eliminate the bill against driving with a cell phone to ones ears. When I pass by "lap doggers", they are so oblivious to what's going on around them that it's sickening. It's quite clear that their reflexes are on pause (or shall I say paws?) and they could not respond at the drop of a dime if someone cut them off or they were about to hit something large in the road.

I say pets are cute, but the level that this pet parenting has gone to is more than borderline ridiculous. Every time I see someone kissing their dog in the mouth, I cringe. HELLO! Dogs lick their butts!

This "lap dogging" thing is stupidity gone wild. There is absolutely no reason why this absurd habit isn't muzzled. Okay pet lovers; hate me if you think I don't like pets. I've had pets in the past, but there is a lot of responsibility and common sense that goes with having a pet. Lap dogging is one of those habits that has seriously thrown common sense out of the window.

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