Saturday, July 17, 2010

Going Charles Bronson

It's a new day, so I've been told. But there's really nothing new under the sun. Everything that's happening now has always been happening. We just have more visibility with it due to our technology. News hits the internet and air waves in rocket speed. Statistics are almost immediate. Most of us work hard, set our goals and achieve them with success while others sit around idle, waiting  to come and rain on our parade. 

There is more of this happening than not. These are the people who get egomaniacal defense attorneys who waste the tax payers' dime to defend these low lives, which I refer to as SPUDS. Their lawyers try to tug at our heart strings asking to us to consider how their defendants grew up disadvantaged and how they never really had a chance------blah, blah, blahshit! READ MY MEMO! If you were born into this world with a brain you're not disadvantaged. And shall I explain how the lotus flower grows from the murkiest  of conditions to grow a beautiful bloom, Grasshopper?

Every day I see victims who seem to be long forgotten. All of the sympathy seems to be dredged up for the perpetrator come judgment day for their crimes… I don't care what you've done as a creative entity; amassed fame and wealth in your career, you still must be accountable for your crime. Period. And you will. Doesn't matter how long ago it happened, it has been logged into the annals of negative acts against other people...

I get so tired of  low-life animals getting away with molesting and torturing children. My heart not only grieves for the tragedies of these kids, but I can actually feel their little hearts pounding frantically within their chests in fear. What makes it worse is many of these children are being killed by their own parents. We've got people who prowl around like wolves watching and waiting for the opportunity to pounce and destroy individuals who they perceive as  potential victims.

We work hard for our things, we can't even hold claim to ourselves, because somebody ultimately claims that, too. It's called identity theft. Do you know that when you try to find out who steals your identity, the thief's identity is protected? If that isn't a big WTF!!!!!

I know all you boomers out their remember Death Wish: one of my favorite movies. Charles Bronson was my hero. He played mild mannered Paul Kersey. His demeanor changed after his wife and daughter were brutally murdered in a home invasion. Kersey was so on his game that the police asked him to leave town! He was scaring the criminals! Now that's what I'm talking about! He really knew how to take out the trash! 

Charles was cool, too. He didn't do a lot of talking. His actions spoke louder than words. Now when I looked up the word vigilante and came up with the following definition: "someone who illegally punishes someone for perceived offenses, or participates in a group which metes out extralegal punishment to such a person." Whoever wrote that, I know where you coming from! So I'm sticking with Merriam Webster: a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate) Booyah!!!! That's what I'm talking about!

We need to turn the tide on crime; become proactive in our communities and team together to protect what we have rightfully earned and to protect the lives of our loved ones. Sometimes you can counsel a wayward wrongdoer until the cows come home. It's a waste of time. Only when a chord of conscience chimes in their psyche and the perpetrators are willing to acknowledge the depth of their responsibility with the crimes they've committed will there be any possibility of change.

Please let it be known that I'm not going down without a fight. I'm going Charles Bronson! I have no conscience for criminals. You will never hear of me fighting to abolish the death penalty. If you don't agree with me, you can stay in your lane and I in mine, neither of us disrespecting each other for our belief systems. 

I was raised with a solid ethic regarding right and wrong. When I was growing up I was taught that crime doesn't pay and that the bad guys get theirs. It's going to be hard to brainwash that out of me. I'm sure I'm not alone in my thinking. 

For some reason, there is a new train of thought where people who don't do anything with their lives and don't have any compunction about not working and achieving a positive goal feel  they are entitled to your shit! There is no cognitive thinking or regard for the people they victimize and oppress. 

I truly believe that the day is coming when we'll get tired of  hearing that the police can do nothing and the laws are swayed to protect the criminals due to technicalities.  When that day comes, watch out...There's gonna be some new sheriffs in town.I'm just sayin'....