I just want to tap into the ridiculousness of a new era. If you can’t have children, it doesn’t make you any less of an individual. We have got to stop forcing the hand of nature. I mean really. If you love children and can’t have any, adopt.
But somehow, in this society, everyone wants to change the rules. My comment for the “octomom”: If you want to have all those kids, don’t do it on my dime. I believe that everyone, especially here in California has the right to rag on her because it’s their money that’s paying.
I don’t want to hear all that fluff about women having the right to choose how many kids they can have when they’re unemployed. They don’t have a choice and neither do we as taxpayers. Just because you have eggs in your carton doesn’t mean you have to fry them all!
The other big issue is the idea of the new fatherless family: kids conceived through sperm donations. No one ever seems to think that these little babies are going to grow up knowing that their father was some guy who jacked off in a cup for money. Now, that creates a little heartbreak for anyone’s self-esteem.
In Octomom’s case, she seems more preoccupied with having kids than raising them. This entire issue is just more science and shall I say it—over birth!
There used to be this old Mother Goose Rhyme:
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many kids she didn’t know what to do.
Now we know how she got there! In vitro!
I used to always wonder about that rhyme when I was little. How in the world could an old woman have so many kids? Now we know how she got there! In vitro!
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