I had to watch ABC's "Cougar Town" twice to make sure I wasn't missing the point. Yep, this show stinks! So I wasn't wrong the first time I watched it! It is the weakest most horribly degrading piece of unfunny trash to premier in a long time. The storyline: a 40 year old divorced woman, played by Courtney Cox facing the reality of growing old which probably won't happen until she grows up.
This show struggled to be funny and I found myself gasping for air at every line. Okay, so I had to lose Life On Mars, one of my favorite ABC promising new shows (which premiered last year) for this? How old is the story of an older woman trying to snag young men? How new is the story line of Life on Mars, a cop in the middle of a chase ending up back in 1973? Okay, if you've lived in 1973 once and have to do it again knowing what you know, it's real different!
What makes Cougar Town so bad? It could be the obvious use of stereo-types and the negative portrayal of the male characters all whom appear to be empty headed boobs.
What disgusts me more is the relationship Jules, Cox's character has with her teen-aged son, Travis. The inappropriateness of her sexual humor with her son eerily crosses the line. It's clear that the son is more mature than his mother, who she relates to as a male buddy more than accepting her role of being a responsible parent. My favorite line in the show is when Travis says, "Why can't you just be a normal mom and stop torturing me?" Don't worry, Travis, all of us were tortured on this one.
If this story had to be done, it could have been done with a lot more tact. It's overdone writing that doesn't work and the characters are weak. . . Oh, did I mention the scene in the show where Jules is hanging out with her son and younger assistant(or who ever she is) at a high school game and ogles over a high school boy? At least the writers could have Jules interested in men in their 20s and 30s instead of having her hot for still pubescent high school boys who aren't really old enough to understand what a wet dream is really all about.
Then there's Jules' ex husband. He kind of floats into her home at whim. It proved to be a little more than awkward when he walked in along with their son to find Jules giving oral (or shall I say, feeding the snake) with a young conquest she met in a bar and bedded that same night. The cards are so stacked against this abysmal attempt to make 40 the new 20 that it makes me gag.
If I were to start a pool on how long this show will last, I would wager maybe four episodes. We'll all wake up one day, hopefully soon and say, "I had a bad dream that ABC aired this disgusting new un-funny comedy."
One thing for sure, this sitcom only achieves only one thing successfully: making both men and women look bad.