Many of us remember "Baby On Board": those cautioning yellow signs that people put in their rear car windows. Then it became contagious and became "everything "to "anything" on board.
So what's the new thing in rear windows these days? The family decals! Those stick figure people with the names underneath. I don't know what you call them, but it looks like every family that has an SUV has to announce how many stick figure people live in their house and what their names are, including the family pets. Excuse me for a minute. Can I scream here?
I came real close, I had to bite my bottom lip not to go up to someone who had this "info sticker" on their vehicle and ask them did they know how dangerous this was. I just had to listen to the little voice in my head and obediently not go there. But I know I will. It's coming and I'm sure I'll blog about the experience.
Here's my perspective on this issue.I don't have to tell you that we're living in Life As You No Longer Know It, and we really must exercise caution with some of the simplest things that we do. People who put these stickers on their cars don't even realize how far out on a limb they are going with giving up personal information.
We're living in an age of predatory demons. These demons are so consumed with hijacking their prey and creating havoc, that they will stalk and study your every movement: what time you leave your house, what activities you're involved in, etc. They watch. They watch and gather everything they need to prepare for the "kill". I know, it's a bad choice of words, but hey.
I believe that these decals are making it easy for predatory demons to commit crimes such as child abductions, home invasions, whatever they like, because they have all the info in the rear window. Since most people show that they have a pet, the demons can schedule a time to distract the dog or whatever they need to do to gain access. They also know the names of the kids because innocent people, haven't considered that adding the kids names will undoubtedly erase the "don't talk to strangers" rule. If a stranger comes up to a kid and calls him by name, the child automatically assumes that he's not a stranger.
These stick people on the backs of rear windows are giving out too much information. It looks like a clever idea that gets shrouded due to the hazards it presents. With the way people are taking on other people's identities and abducting children, these rear window clings aka "info stickers" should have been the first thing that set off a red flag.